Meet The Fringepig Team...Jemyma C. Noevil

Jemyma once tried her hand at stand up, but Brian Logan watched her debut at the Soho Theatre and called her a “fat corporate frizzy-haired fascist Tory bitch whore who has probably never even heard of Berthold Brecht.”

After five years in a deep depression eating nothing but oven chips, Jemyma decided to become a reviewer-reviewer.
Sadly she had by this time gone completely blind, which is a little-known side effect of eating nothing but oven chips, but luckily this is no handicap in the field of reviewer-reviewing. Or, indeed, reviewing.

The rest of the staff supply her with braille copies of reviews, or sometimes they just drag in the reviewers themselves: Jemyma claims to be able to know a reviewer’s character simply by reading the acne on his or her face.

Jemyma moves in mysterious ways. Some reviewers have reported getting home to find Jemyma’s chilling calling card: a frozen oven chip on their doorstep. This is a sure sign that Jemyma is reviewing them.

Reviews filed by Jemyma C. Noevil

Lorenzo Pacitti

You can’t help but be drawn into Lorenzo Pacitti’s reviews. He makes no effort at all to impress us with ...

Lewis Porteous

My colleague Mr Rumania has always been rather dismissive of Fest reviewers, saying that they have a policy of under-rating ...

Ian Freeman

Ian Freeman is a reasonably competent reviewer who likes the jokes to come thick and fast. If they don’t, he’ll ...

James Hampson

If you can imagine the art of performing comedy as something akin to spreading silage on stage, then you’ll understand ...

Kate Pasola

When the audience isn’t getting it, be assured that Kate Pasola definitely IS. And when the audience is lapping it ...

Lene Korseberg

Lene Korseberg is an OK reviewer, but she lacks confidence in her own words. The result is that she says ...

Keith Smith

Keith Smith writes like a Private Eye journalist writing a parody local news item: think Phil Space or Lunchtime O’Booze ...

Julia Chamberlain

Nobody can doubt Chamberlain’s devotion to comedy; her long service in some fairly tough jobs is testament to that. Neither ...

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